Voluntown Angel Tree

Property Revaluation Assessment Notices
Posted 11/15/2024
Voluntown Property Revaluation Assessment Notices were mailed out to residents on November 13, 2024. Please follow the instructions in your notice to schedule a phone appointment with Equality. The Assessor cannot make changes and she cannot schedule the hearing. Everything must go through Equality.
The following are questions and answers related to the October 1, 2024 State mandated property revaluation.
Private Wells During Abnormally Dry and Drought Conditons.
Originally posted 11/5/24, draught level updated 11/12/24
The Town of Voluntown is currently experiencing a Stage 2 Drought Advisory, resulting in many residents experiencing low or dry wells.
Most of Voluntown’s residents have their water supplied by private wells. It is the responsibility of homeowners to test their water and maintain their water system. Sometimes abnormally dry and drought conditions affect these wells. Low water in wells can result in illnesses and water pump failure. For more information on private wells and private wells during abnormally dry and drought conditions, visit our private well resources and FAQ page.
Water sources: Non drinkable water for flushing and washing is available at the Public Works Garage at the end of Gate Street. There is a hose on the side of the building with a sign “Non Potable Water”. Drinkable (potable) water is available at the Pachaug State Forest Mt. Misery camping area (the water pump next to the outhouses).
Sign up for CT Alerts- State of Connecticut Emergency Notification Text Alerts
The State of Connecticut has implemented a state-of-the-art emergency notification system, CT Alert, to alert residents anywhere in the state about life-threatening emergency conditions. Residents of Voluntown are encouraged to sign up for this alert system as it has been used two times already this year.
You will can get emergency alerts sent to you on any communication device that you use, such as your cell phone, email, text message, or certain hearing impaired devices, just by providing your information.
If you are already signed up for CT Alert, you can verify your information and make sure it is correct.
To sign up or check your CT Alert information: Connecticut Emergency Alerting and Notification Systems
The Town uses TextMyGov to get information to residents via text. We are not always able to get the information out through this system in a timely manner when life threatening conditions arise, so residents are strongly encouraged to sign up for CT Alert.
Central Mass & Northeastern CT Region Climate Action Survey
Posted 8/28/24
Survey Monkey Link: www.surveymonkey.com/r/P86TC6Z
For more information about CMPRC and CPRG efforts, visit: cmrpc-cprg.com
Notice is hereby given that said Board will meet in open session at the Town Hall located at 115 Main Street, Voluntown, CT on Monday, September 23, 2024 at 5:00 PM. This meeting will be held for the sole purpose of hearing and deliberating 2023 Grand List motor vehicle appeals. Board of Assessment Appeal applications are available in the Assessor’s Office and on the Town’s website www.voluntown.gov/assessor. Chris Wilson, Board of Assessment Appeals.
Board of Assessment Appeals
Voluntown’s Board of Assessment Appeals Commission is currently accepting applications to fill the vacant position for the Board of Assessment Appeals Commission.
Please use this link to apply: https://voluntown.civicweb.net/Portal/BoardApplication/
Justice of the Peace
Interested voters who would like to become a Justice of the Peace, and who are unaffiliated or
minor party voters, may file their application at their Town Clerk’s Office between August 1,
2024 and November 1, 2024. The term runs from January 6, 2025 thru January 1, 2029: the
applications are available at their Town Clerk’s Office. Unaffiliated and minor party voters who
miss the November 1st deadline may not apply again until 2028.
No one who is, or has been, a registered Democratic or Republican on or after May 1, 2024 may
apply for one of these appointive Justice of the Peace slots. Please contact the Town Clerk of
your town for further information.
eQuality Valuation Services LLC Data Collectors in Town
Posted 5/28/24
eQuality Valuation Services LLC Data Collectors Peter and Asher will be in town for the next two weeks photographing and inspecting select properties for the Town of Voluntown Revaluation. Their vehicles will be marked with eQuality magnets. Their ID information is below.
Should you have any questions, please call the Assessor’s Office at (860) 376-3927.