Avian Influenza Info: Reporting Cases and More

Reporting Suspected Cases 

To report sick domestic birds, including unexplained high number of deaths, sudden drop in egg production, or sudden reduction in feed or water intake, contact the State Veterinarian at 860-713-2505 or ctstate.vet@ct.gov or the USDA at 866-536-7593.

If you see several dead wild birds (more than 5) in one location or notice that several birds die in the same area over the course of several days, this is a situation where testing of dead birds may be warranted. Fill out this form and please call the DEEP Wildlife Division at 860-424-3011.

Here is the website in case the link to the form doesn’t work for you.   https://www.cfwwildbirdmortalityreporting.ct.gov/

For more information on backyard poultry flocks and disposing of dead wild birds visit: Avian Influenza

Biosecurity Tips for Flock Owners

Poultry biosecurity materials and checklists can be found on the USDA’s Defend the Flock website. Best practices include:

  • Keep wild birds and rodents out of poultry houses and coops.
  • Don’t let poultry have contact with migratory waterfowl or other wild birds.
  • Wash hands and boots before and after entering the poultry area.
  • Buy birds from reputable sources to receive heathy birds.
  • Restrict traffic onto and off your property.
  • Have a written biosecurity plan in place.

Signs of H5N1 infection include sudden increase in bird deaths, sneezing, coughing, nasal discharge, watery or green diarrhea, lack of energy, poor appetite, drop in egg production, swelling around the eyes, neck, and head, and purple discoloration of wattles, combs, and legs.

For more info on livestock, human, and flock infection, visit: Avian Influenza Information