Board, Commission and Committee Vacancies

Updated 1/16/25 Elderly Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals positions have been filled. 

We have several board, commission and committee vacancies! Below is a list of vacancies and a brief description of what the board, commission, or committee does.

If you are interested in volunteering for any of these vacancies, please fill out the Voluntown Board/Committee Application. 

Experience is not necessary for any of the positions, and free training is available for zoning positions.

NEW: Inland Wetland Commission

  • Two Vacancies for an Alternate position that ends on 11/18/25.
  • Positions are elected, but vacancies are appointed by the Board of Selectman.
  • An alternate has voting privileges when a board seat is vacant at a meeting so that there is a quorum.
  • The Inland Wetland Commission meets on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30PM.
  • The Inland Wetland Commission reviews applications associated with zoning, subdivision or other activities which occur within regulated areas of wetlands and watercourses.

NEW: Planning and Zoning

  • one alternate position for a term ending 11/18/25
  • Positions are elected, but vacancies are appointed by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
  • Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00PM in the Voluntown Town Hall Meeting Room when there is an agenda.
  • The duties of a planning and zoning commission include:
    • Recommending to the local town the boundaries of the various original zoning districts and appropriate regulations to be enforced therein and any proposed amendments thereto.
    • Assisting in the drafting of a zoning ordinance as well as amendments to the ordinance.
    • Reviewing conditional use applications and landowner and municipal curative amendments review.
    • Developing the municipality’s plan of conservation and development and its subdivision regulations.
    • Approving individual subdivisions and may be responsible for issuing special permits and exceptions under the municipality’s zoning regulations.
    • Studying issues, overseeing the preparation of plans and ordinances, and reviewing and advising on development proposals.

NEW: Library Board of Trustees

  • One vacancy for a term ending 11/20/29
  • This is an elected position. Vacancies are appointed by the Board of Selectmen.
  • The Library Board of Trustees meets on the second Thursday of each month at the Voluntown Public Library at 6:30PM.
  • The Library Board of Trustees oversee the library budget and bylaws.

NEW: Board of Assessment Appeals

  • One vacancy for a term ending on 11/18/25
  • Elected position, vacancies are filled by the Board of Selectmen
  • Meets 2xs a year. Next Meeting September 23 at 5pm
  • The Board of Assessment Appeals is an official municipal agency. It is designed to serve as an appeal body for taxpayers who believe that town or city assessors erred in the valuation of their properties or erroneously denied them exemptions. The Board is composed of persons who have been appointed by the Mayor of Stamford. The Board enables taxpayers to be heard by their peers at no expense. No fees are charged for the appeal process. Furthermore, taxpayers do not have to be represented by counsel.

Economic Development Commision

  • One board vacancy for term expiring 11/15/25, Two alternate vacancies to expire 11/15/25
  • Positions are appointed by the Board of Selectmen.
  • Meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7PM- except in July and August we have no meetings.
  • The mission of the Voluntown Economic Development Commission is to foster economic development in Voluntown and increase the tax base by retaining existing businesses and helping them grow, encouraging indigenous business start-up, and recruiting light industry. The Voluntown EDC currently sponsors the Voluntown Farmers’ Market. The EDC is working on several projects that promote Voluntown as an outdoor recreation tourist destination. Check out the EDC website:

Memorial Day Committee

This is a brand-new committee that has been formed by the Board of Selectmen to oversee the planning of Voluntown’s Memorial Day events including, but not limited to, the ceremonies at Robbins Cemetery and Town Green, as well as the Memorial Day parade. Meeting dates will be established at the first committee meeting which will be determined once the committee has enough (5) members.  Read the committee description for more information, here: Memorial Day Committee