Posted 5/31/23
The Annual Town Meeting was held on May 3oth. The results are below.
- To appropriate the funds necessary for the Board of Selectmen’s Budget for the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 in the amount of $2,470,871 (two million, four hundred seventy thousand, eight hundred seventy-one dollars). APPROVED
- To appropriate the funds necessary for the Board of Education Budget for the fiscal year 2023-2024 in the amount of $7,055,334 (seven million, fifty-five thousand, three hundred thirty-four dollars). APPROVED
- To appropriate the funds necessary for the Capital Projects Budget for the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 in the amount of $380,000 (three hundred eighty thousand dollars) from the unassigned fund. APPROVED
- To consider and act on the following proposed Ordinances:
- Library and Board of Trustees Ordinance APPROVED
- Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance APPROVED
Annual Town Meeting slideshow, minutes, and link to the YouTube video is below.
The town government slide show.
Annual Town Meeting Minutes- 5/30/23
The meeting can be viewed on the Town of Voluntown- Government YouTube channel. We apologize for the sound as the microphones were out of order!
The Board of Selectmen held a special meeting following the town meeting and set the mill rate to 27.77, which is no change. The minutes are below.
Special Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes- 5/30/23
Notice of Annual Town Meeting
MAY 30, 2023
This public meeting is being held in person and will be livestreamed on the town YouTube channel which is: Town of Voluntown, CT-Government, Eligible residents and electors must be present in person to participate and vote.
The electors and citizens qualified to vote in the annual budget meeting of the Town of Voluntown are hereby warned that the annual town meeting will be held on Tuesday May 30, 2023 at the Voluntown Elementary School, 195 Main St, in Voluntown, Connecticut, at 7:00 pm for the following purposes.