State of CT Avian Flu Emergency Response Proposed Voluntown Composting Site

Updated 3/20/25
Updated 6/5/2023

The State of Connecticut, through the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), is currently considering a location in Voluntown be used in the event of an avian influenza emergency response as a location for the composting of AI carcasses.  This proposed composting site would be located on State-owned property at 500 Brown Road and would only be used in the event of an avian influenza outbreak at a New London County Hillandale Farm location. There are currently no plans to have any carcasses sent to this site.

The First Selectman is concerned about the use of the 500 Brown Road composting site because of the potential impact on public health, the environment, town property and resident property.  Senator Somers has been assisting with the communication to the State on these concerns. Dialogue will be ongoing and any updated information will be posted here.

New 3/20/25: Email to Department of Agriculture Commissioner regarding if site is still being considered. 

Letter from First Selectman Hanson to Department of Agriculture Commissioner Hurlburt

Letter from Senator Somers and First Selectman Hanson to the Department of Agriculture Commissioner Hurlburt and DEEP Commissioner Dykes with Attachment 1, Attachment 2, Attachment 3 

DOAG and DEEP answers to questions regarding Voluntown HPAI composting site (4/4/23)

Letter from Representative Brian Lanoue to Department of Agriculture Commissioner Hulburt (dated 5/17/23)

Reference Links from State of Connecticut

State of Connecticut Avian Influenza Monitoring and Response Plan (AIMRP) May 2017

USDA  APHIS Avian Influenza Preparedness and Response

USDA FY2016 HPAI Response Mortality Composting Protocol for Avian Influenza Infected Flocks