If You Pay Taxes, Permits, Fees, to the Town or Transfer Station by Check
Friendly reminder from Town Hall:
All checks clear the next day. Please make sure you have funds available before presenting you check, especially for taxes.
Thank you!
The Treasury Department has added additional security measures and increased functionality to Town and Transfer Station operations. The process known as Remote Deposit Capture (RDC) will reduce the time to clear checks presented to the Town or Transfer Station for payment of Taxes, Permits, Fees, etc. Previously, the process may have taken a week or more to have a check clear your bank account; it may now clear in a day or two. Please make sure that funds are on deposit and available when you present a check. Don’t risk incurring overdraft fees from your bank and NSF fees from the Town or Transfer Station.
Updated 7/18/23
Original post 6/22/23