Recreation Commission meetings are held the 1st Wednesday of the month at 7PM.
Past meetings can be viewed via the Recreation Commission Meeting Playlist.
For information on the Recreation Commission, including membership
Gate Street Recreation Complex Master Plan (October 2023)
Mission Statement: The purpose of the Voluntown Recreation Commission is to seek the development of recreational programs and enhancement of recreational facilities associated with sponsored programs on various town owned lands, for the residents of Voluntown, without bias to race, income, age sex, or ability.The Commission shall be vested with the power, duties and obligations necessary to accomplish this purpose. They shall be charged with full responsibility for the recreation programs designated by the Commission.
Like’ the Voluntown Recreation Commission on Facebook for current events and updates.
Field and Pavilion Use
Please contact Melinda Bryan to reserve the use of Constitution Field or the Pavilion. They are both reserved on a first come and first served basis. A Field/Pavilion Use Form, and a Voluntown Services & Hold Harmless Agreement will need to be filled. Insurance needs to be submitted. Donations are accepted to help us with field and pavilion maintenance. Links to the forms are below.
Town of Voluntown Hold Harmless Agreement
Current Programs / Announcements
Adult Volleyball
Open to anyone 18 and older who lives in Voluntown. Adult recreation volleyball will be held on Tuesdays, starting March 4- April 8, from 6:00PM until 7:30PM in the Gym at the Voluntown Elementary School. Every participant will be required to fill out a participation waiver. This is for all skill levels. Check the Voluntown Recreation Commission Facebook page for updates or cancellations.
Beginner/Intermediate Pickleball
The Voluntown Recreation Commission is hosting pickleball Thursdays, March 6-27th at 6:00PM in the Voluntown Elementary School gymnasium. This is event is open to ages 18 and up and a waiver will need to be fill out to play (available to fill out on site). Some paddles will be available to use if needed, bring your own if you have one. Come one out and play Check the Voluntown Recreation Facebook page for weather cancellations.
Vinyasa Yoga- Every Wednesday
Yoga for Voluntown residents on Wednesdays, 6-7 pm, at the Voluntown Firehouse. Vinyasa is a yoga where the poses are linked together so that there’s constant movement. This is for all skill levels and there is a $5 fee for all participants. If you would like to participate fill out the form below and email to Forms are available at the class too. Download the form here. You can take a photo of the filled-out form and email that if you don’t have access to a scanner.
Disk Golf Course
The Voluntown Recreation Commission has added a disc golf Course to the field behind the library and town hall. Disk Golf is a fun outdoor activity that can be enjoyed all year long.
New to disk golf? Read about it in Voluntown native Karl Lamonthe’s blog post, Disc Golf – A Newcomer’s Perspective of a Rapidly Growing Sport.
No disc golf equipment? No problem! The Voluntown Public Library has a disc golf pack that you can check out!