Sign up for CT Alerts- State of Connecticut Emergency Notification Text Alerts

The State of Connecticut has implemented a state-of-the-art emergency notification system, CT Alert,  to alert residents anywhere in the state about life-threatening emergency conditions.  Residents of Voluntown are encouraged to sign up for this alert system as it has been used two times already this year.

You will can get emergency alerts sent to you on any communication device that you use, such as your cell phone, email, text message, or certain hearing impaired devices, just by providing your information.

If you are already signed up for CT Alert, you can verify your information and make sure it is correct.

To sign up or check your CT Alert information: Connecticut Emergency Alerting and Notification Systems

The Town uses TextMyGov to get information to residents via text. We are not always able to get the information out through this system in a timely manner when life threatening conditions arise, so residents are strongly encouraged to sign up for CT Alert.