TRIP Grant- Voluntown Village Sidewalk Extension

$950,511 TRIP Grant Awarded to Town of Voluntown on January 31, 2024 for the construction of sidewalks through the Village District.

The Town of Voluntown looks to extend their existing Village Center sidewalk network along Main Street and Beach Pond Road (Route 138) to connect the Town’s civic core with the primary retail destinations of the Riverside Mall and Bronson’s Pool/True Value. This new sidewalk will also include a pedestrian bridge over Denison Brook where the current bridge is not sufficiently wide to accommodate an on-road sidewalk.

The town’s portion of the project is to cover the engineering and design plans. We went out to bid, and the project was awarded to Freeman Companies, LLC on June 19, 2024 for $79,990.

Transportation Rural Improvement Program (TRIP) Grant Program Application- Voluntown Village Sidewalk Extension